Tips to Make Money Online

Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 2 edition
Language: English
ISBN: 032142672X
Paperback: 864 pages
Data: April 1, 2006
Format: CHM
Description: Eclipse has established itself as a dominant force in the application-development space. Key to the success of Eclipse is the ability of developers to extend its functionality using plug-ins.

This new edition of Eclipse: Building Commercial-Quality Plug-ins is the definitive, start-to-finish guide to building commercial-quality Eclipse plug-ins, with an emphasis on adding the sophistication and polish that paying customers demand. The book provides both a quick introduction to using Eclipse for new users and a reference for experienced Eclipse users wishing to expand their knowledge and improve the quality of their Eclipse-based products.

Revised to take advantage of pure Eclipse 3.1 and 3.2 APIs, this widely praised bestseller presents detailed, practical coverage of every aspect of plug-in development and specific solutions for the challenges developers are most likely to encounter. All code examples, relevant API listings, diagrams, and screen captures have been updated.

Some Eclipse concepts--such as actions, views, and editors--have not changed radically, but now have additional functionality and capabilities. Other areas, such as the Eclipse plug-in infrastructure, have changed drastically due to the Eclipse shift towards an OSGi-based infrastructure. This edition is fully updated to address these new advances for Eclipse developers.

* Includes a quick introduction to Eclipse for experienced Java programmers
* Serves as a systematic reference for experienced Eclipse users
* Introduces all the tools you need to build Eclipse and Rational plug-ins
* Explains the Eclipse architecture and the structure of plug-ins and extension points
* Offers practical guidance on building Eclipse user interfaces with SWT and JFace
* Shows how to use change tracking, perspectives, builders, markers, natures, and more
* Covers internationalization, help systems, features, and branding

This book is designed for anyone who wants a deep understanding of Eclipse, and every experienced developer interested in extending Eclipse or the Rational Software Development Platform.

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Download:Eclipse: Building Commercial-Quality Plug-ins (2nd Edition) (The Eclipse Series)


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