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Learn to create dynamic, data-driven Web sites using the exciting enhancements in the Dreamweaver CS3 version. You get a thorough understanding of the basics and then progress to learning how to produce pages with pizzazz, connect to live databases, integrate with Flash and Photoshop, use advanced technologies like Spry and Ajax, incorporate Flash, Shockwave, QuickTime, and WAV files, import Photoshop files directly into Dreamweaver, and enjoy Web success.

To use this book, you need only two items: the Dreamweaver software and a desire to make cutting-edge Web pages. (If you don’t have Dreamweaver, you can download a trial copy from From quick design prototyping to ongoing Web site management, Dreamweaver automates and simplifies much of a Webmaster’s workload. Dreamweaver is not only the first Web authoring tool to bring the ease of visual editing to an HTML-code–oriented world, it also brings a point-and-click interface to complex coding whether server-side or client-side. The Dreamweaver CS3 Bible is designed to help you master every nuance of the program.

Are you styling your pages and creating your layouts with CSS? Are you building multipage Web applications? Are you creating a straightforward layout with the visual editor? Do you need to extend Dreamweaver’s capabilities by building your own custom objects? With Dreamweaver and this book, you can weave your dreams into reality for the entire world to experience.

Dreamweaver CS3 Bible can take you from raw beginner to full-fledged professional if read cover to cover. However, you’re more likely to read each section as needed, taking the necessary information and coming back later. To facilitate this approach, Dreamweaver CS3 Bible is divided into seven major task-oriented parts. After you’re familiar with Dreamweaver, feel free to skip around the book, using it as a reference guide as you increase your own knowledge base.

Part 1 - Laying the Groundwork in Dreamweaver CS3
Part 2 - Designing and Crafting Core Pages
Part 3 - Adding Advanced Design Features
Part 4 - Incorporating Dynamic Data
Part 5 - Including Multimedia Elements
Part 6 - Enhancing Productivity and Web Site Management
Part 7 - Extending Dreamweaver
Part 8 - Appendix

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Tips to Make Money Online
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